Charcoal is the main source of income for communities in Pwani Region and main source of energy for cooking in Dar es Salaam. Most of the charcoal is sourced from natural forests, unreserved village lands and farmlands. Sustainable forest management practices are limited and charcoal business is mostly conducted informally contributing to deforestation and forest degradation.

The “Integrated Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain Promotion project (ISU-CHAVPRO)” intends to demonstrate integrated approaches for improvement of forest management and charcoal value chain sustainability while promoting socioeconomic development. It is a three years project which started from October 2023 and is co-funded by the European Union and contracted by the National Authorizing Officer for the European Development Fund (EDF) at Ministry of Finance of the United Republic of Tanzania.

ISU-CHAVPRO project is implemented in Rufiji, Kibiti, Mkuranga, Kisarawe and Bagamoyo Districts of Pwani Region by TaTEDO-Sustainable Energy Services Organization (TaTEDO-SESO) in collaboration with Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) and the District Councils in respective areas.


To improve capacities and commitments by local communities in five districts in the Pwani Region to improve productivity along the charcoal value chain, sustainably manage forests, and improve their socio-economic well-being.