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Created: 2024-10-23
Size: 5.43 MB

WFP is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, sta- bility, and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters, and the impact of climate change. The World Food Programme (WFP) is helping food-insecure communities to prepare for, respond to, and re- cover from climate shocks and stresses. They also support their benefi- ciaries in getting the capacity to use clean cooking solutions. For them, Clean and Modern Energy for Cooking is A Path to Food Security and Sustainable Development.

TaTEDO CEO shared the experience of TaTEDO-SESO on eCooking such as achievements of supplying EPCs to more than 10,000 house- holds, and currently, there are electric pressure cookers of six (6) and eight (8) litres. TaTEDO-SESO staff also discussed the coming interven- tion of working with TANESCO aimed at availing the 11,000 EPCs to their staff and customers, about 40 households using Power hubs in Kisarawe (Solar EPC using DC System) and Dar es Salaam households (using AC Power Hubs connected to grid electricity). TaTEDO-SESO has also provided capacity-building training to the technicians in different areas of the country for supporting after-sales services.

Created: 2024-10-23
Size: 1.5 MB

Tanzania's aspirations for a clean cooking energy transition have gained momentum as stakeholders are working towards overcoming policy and market challenges facing the cooking energy sector in Tanzania. This was discussed in the Clean Cooking Policy Dia- logue Workshop by CSOs with policy and decision-makers on 26 June 2024, at Edema Hotel, Morogoro, Tanzania, debating how to develop the cooking subsector in Tanzania and increase the population accessing clean cooking solutions from less than 10 to80 percent by 2034. The workshop was organized by TaTEDO-SESO in collaboration with the Clean Cooking Alliance of Tanzania (CCAT) and Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) with support from the World Wide Fund (WWF).

The workshop provided a platform for actively exchanging views, experiences, and new findings related to clean cooking. It featured various presentations, plenary discussions, and panel sessions, focusing on policy and strategic issues to enhance energy-related policies and the national clean cooking strategy

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