TaTEDO Staff

The organisation has lean optimal number of staff and work with sourced associates/partners and consultants. The team of staff with strategic thinking execute sustainable energy development activities rendered by the organisation.

TaTEDO has a policy of continuously improving her capacity, through training, recruitment of competent staff and acquiring skills of developing sustainable energy services at different community levels. TaTEDO has managed and maintained a total of 25 core staff members collaborating with associates, consultants and volunteers at the head offices and 4 core staff at the zonal enterprise centres at Moshi in order to carry out successfully community sustainable energy activities.

Staff members of TaTEDO are responsible for the day-to-day functioning and implementing of its programmes and projects. Staff report to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is overall responsible for the organisational activities. Staff members of TaTEDO are responsible for administration, publicity and effective implementation of programme/project activities.

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