Energy Transformation:
Transformation of the global energy system is working to- wards meeting the objective of the Paris Agreement to limit the rise in average global temperatures to well below 2°C, and ideally to 1.5 °C, by the end of the century. Re- newable energy investment increased clean electrification of energy services, and energy efficiency at production, storage, transportation, and use can deliver more than 90% of global emission reductions needed for industrial, trans- portation and household energy needs (WWF Technical Report 2021).
Why a Renewable Energy Policy Is important ?
The need for formulating the renewable energy policy is based on the current context in Tanzania. These points relate to the current existing policy and regulatory frame- work in Tanzania
1. The government has committed itself to develop a Renewable Energy policy as shown in the SE4ALL Action Agenda 2015 – to help the government reach its target of 50% of renewable energy contribution to the national energy mix by 2030.
2. Renewable energy product prices (and operational costs such as connection cost per customer) are lower/cheap compared to non-renewable (fossil fuels).
3. The current National Energy Policy 2015 is due for update to take on board new challenges about re- newable energy issues. It lacks implementation instruments which gives room for contradicting guidance and tools as shown in the figure 3 below:
4. A policy instrument to enforce government’s com- mitments to the Nationally Determined Contribu- tions to the Paris Agreement and its commitment as stipulated clearly in the sustainable energy for all action agenda.
5. Existence of strategies which are not implemented as they lack policy back-up– For example, Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST), Scaling up Renewable Ener- gy Program (SREP) ,Tanzania SE4ALL Regionalization and Implementation Plan 2017 to 2025
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