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The United Republic of Tanzania is among the countries affected by climate change impacts and variability, with extreme weather conditions and climate events manifested through increase seasonal variation in rainfall and temperature, drought and floods. Climate change impact affecting socio-economic and development sectors such as agriculture, tourism, energy, water, marine and coastal, public health and livestock-keeping thus, affect the country’s growth domestic product.

Drought and floods have already caused major economic costs, reduced long-term growth, and disrupted livelihoods of both rural and urban communities in both Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. In response to the situation, the Government need to put in place adaptation and mitigation mechanism to safeguard attained development and achieve sustainable development. The Government has been undertaking various efforts towards addressing climate change, such efforts include; revision of policies, formulation of regulations, strategies and guidelines to address climate change challenges.

Mitigation measures related to emission reduction and removal are undertaken in the sectors of energy, transport, waste management, forestry, agriculture, industrial processes and product use and other land uses. It is expected that, carbon trading projects implemented in the United Republic of Tanzania in such sectors will contribute towards minimizing emissions and vulnerability to climate change while ensuring environmental integrity and sustainable socio-economic development. Therefore, these Guidelines intend to provide national procedures and requirements for undertaking carbon trading projects in the country.

Created 2023-01-19
Changed 2023-01-19
Size 359.87 KB
MD5 Checksum 7d5975cec342dd9beb761d7130ace121
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SHA1 Checksum ca6925e0deca6b1217674bd61bcc1b9f52469a4d

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