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Tanzania Baseline Study on Sustainable Energy and Climate Actions HOT

Executive SummaryThis report is an update of the baseline study carried out in early 2017 during implementation of the project titled “Promoting Implementation of the Paris Agreement (PIPA) in East Africa”East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action (EASE&CA)is a three year project (July 2019-July 2022) implemented in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda under the support of CISU.

The main objective of theEASE&CAproject is to increase access to sustainable energy and other climate solutions to local communities in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania with both women’s and men’s full and effective participation and leadership for improved livelihoods and reduction of poverty. This will be realized by combining Civil Society Organization (CSO) activities at local, national and international levels in ways, where they reinforce each other. The project primarily works towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 (poverty), SDG5 (gender), SDG7 (clean energy), SDG 13 (climate action), SDG 17 (partnerships).In relation to TaTEDO, the EASE-CA project has 2 immediate objectives; a) to strengthen national CSO networking and advocacy for increased targets and financing of local, sustainable, pro-poor, and gender responsive climate and energy solutions in national development strategies andtheir implementation in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

The strategies shall include Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-term low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) to the Paris Agreement, as well as national activities to implement SDG7 (clean energy), including the Sustainable Energy for All strategies; and b) to strengthen networking and participation of East African CSOs for exchange of experiences and to give voice to East African CSOs to influence development of the international framework for the national strategies and for climate financing, including in the UN Climate Convention (UNFCCC). Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are essentially the backbone of the Paris Agreement. While securing a deal in Paris was a huge success, the real challenge will be actual progress in tackling climate change, i.e. countries following through on the commitments they made at UNFCCC COP21. This is where NDCs are so important, as they provide an action plan going forward.SDG7 calls for “affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” by 2030.

Without access to clean, modern energy, it is impossible to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reduce poverty, broaden education and improve public health.The overall objective of the Baseline Study is to document the current status of sustainable energy and other climate actions at the national level to establish a bench mark against which achievement of EASE-CA will be measured.Further the study aim to identify opportunities for advocacy and lobbying for increased access to sustainable energy and other climate actions and to map out CSOs and SMEs in sustainable energy and other climate solutions.

Created 2020-12-02
Changed 2020-12-02
Size 989.04 KB
MD5 Checksum dcf4765e8bd294ba652d78e704bd309a
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