Beyond Fire How to achieve electric cooking
- Category: E-cook Projects
- Published: Sunday, 31 May 2020 11:25
- Written by Webmaster
- Hits: 500
Achieving sustainable cooking is one of thegreat challenges of our time. An estimated4 million premature deaths are caused eachyear by indoor air pollution caused byexisting cooking practices still widespreadin many parts of Southeast Asia, LatinAmerica, and Africa (WHO 2018).
In Africaalone, the African Development Bank (AfDB)estimates that over 600,000 deaths peryear are caused by existing cookingpractices, the majority of which areconcentrated in sub-Saharan Africa (AfDB2017).The difficulty of finding cost-effectivesubstitutes for traditional cooking fuels,most notably wood and charcoal, is madeeven more challenging by a range ofcultural, behavioral and other factors thathinder the adoption of alternatives (Brownet al. 2017).
Hundreds of millions of citizensworldwide have rarely if ever known anyother form of cooking than traditionalfirewood and charcoal: this makes theadoption of alternatives a slow and oftenpiecemeal process